Friday, February 22, 2013

Tips: How to Separate Egg Yolk and White - Fast, Easy and No Messy!

 We all know how to separate egg yolk and white. But the problem is sometimes it gets messy and a little bit time consuming. So I found this tip from jifenzhongDIY on Youtube. It is fast, easy and no messy, trust me!

All you need just a clean soft drink bottle or you can use a water bottle. And you need some containers to separate the yolk and white. 

So all you do is...squeeze the bottle and place it on the yolk then release the squeeze. You will see the yolk will suck into the bottle. Then place the bottle to the other container, squeeze the bottle to drop the yolk. Continue the process to the other eggs.

You can use this tip for more than one eggs but sometimes it isn't easy because the yolks will mix with the others. So I suggest you to do it one by one.


I hope this tip will help. Hope you enjoy your weekend and see you in the next post! :)