Saturday, May 2, 2015

Klappertaart (Modified Recipe)

¼ cup unsalted butter
½ cup water
½ tsp salt
½ cup all purpose flour
3 large eggs
¼ cup milk
¼ tsp rum flavor
1/3 cup granulated sugar
¼ cup unsweetened coconut flakes
3 tbsp walnuts pieces
Ground cinnamon
Loaf pan (9 x 5 inches)

There are many variety of Klappertaart. 
On this recipe the consistency of this Klappertaart is 
more like a cake.
The taste is good and it's addicted!

2 oz mentega tawar
4 oz air
½ sdt garam
4 oz terigu protein sedang
3 butir telur
2 oz susu putih cair
¼ sdt perasa rhum
3 oz gula pasir
2 oz daging kelapa
3 sdm kenari (dipotong kecil)
Kayu manis bubuk
Cetakan roti (9 x 5 inci)

Ada berbagai macam jenis Klappertaart.
Untuk resep ini konsistensi Klappertaart ini menyerupai kue.
Rasanya tetap enak dan bikin ketagihan!

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